Sparta Community Hospital is now accepting applications for their 2021/2022 Explorers Program, “Discover Your Future in Healthcare”.

Through the SCH Explorers Program students will experience and learn “hands-on” all of the many opportunities in the healthcare field alongside the hospital’s healthcare professionals.  The program will also help students to decide if a healthcare career is the right fit for them.

“Our SCH is team is pleased to introduce students to professional career options available locally and to help guide them on a career development path, which in turn could benefit the local area healthcare system, states Joann Emge, CEO.  We are excited to assist the youth in identifying their goals and mentoring them in career opportunities.”

The SCH Explorers Program is a 10 month program. The students will meet the second Tuesday of each month, 5pm, for a meeting/event in August, 2021 through May, 2022.  For more information, or access to the application, please visit

“We had a wonderful group of 15 students in 2019/2020 from all area schools, claims Carol Mulholland, Program Coordinator.  In the first 3 months the students were very dedicated to learning and their interest and participation was exceptional.  Unfortunately after our March meeting COVID-19 hit our area and it was no longer safe for the students to attend.  We hope this next school year will result in a good show of students and we will be able to provide the hands on experience for them.”

Exploring is implemented through local Boy Scouts of America and is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between youth and the organizations in their communities. Local community organizations initiate a specific Explorer post or club by matching their people and program resources to the interests of young people in the community. The result is a program of activities that helps youth pursue their special interests, grow, and develop.

Explorer posts/clubs can specialize in a variety of career skills. Exploring programs are based upon five areas of emphasis: career opportunities, life skills, citizenship, character education, and leadership experience.  To learn more about the Exploring, Discover Your Future, please visit

Pictured, Dan Walker, Ancillary Services Director, with 2019 Explorer students on the Laboratory tour.