Information for Patients & Visitors
The situation surrounding COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) continues to evolve and changes occur rapidly. Please know, that the health and safety of our patients, their families, and our team members remains a top priority for Sparta Community Hospital. It is because of this, that a number of precautions are being implemented to help protect our community.
We take these proactive precautions to protect our patients, team members, and the communities we serve. We are sensitive to the inconvenience this may cause our patients and their loved ones, but we believe these measures of protection are essential at this time to keep people safe.
What do I do if I am concerned I have COVID-19?
- If you, or a family member are experiencing concerning symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, and want to be seen, we ask that you first call the clinic. Clinic staff will conduct a phone screening with you, and provide direction.
I have a family member in the hospital, will I be able to visit?
YES! At this time visitation is open. Additionally, Zoom has been made available to help patients remain connected through technology. Families interested in setting-up a Zoom meeting with their loved one, should contact the Nurses Station at Sparta Community Hospital at 618-443-2177 ext. 1395.
My doctor has ordered a screening, testing or therapy – what should I expect?
- All patients of Sparta Community Hospital outpatient services, Quality Healthcare Clinics, emergency department, Convenient Care, and The Center, will be screened upon registration.
What departments or services are being put on-hold?
- All service lines are open.
I’d like to workout, is the gym open?
The Center in Sparta and The Linda Louise Fitness Center in Marissa are operating regular hours. To ensure the safety of our patients, patrons, and staff, equipment has been reconfigured to allow for distancing, masks must be worn while working out, and water fountains and showers will not be available.
What if I need to be seen for something other than COVID-19 symptoms?
As you know, we have been working to make changes to make it safe for patients to come to the hospital and clinics to receive care. This includes screening of every patient and employee that comes into one of our locations, and increased cleaning and sanitizing of high touch areas, waiting rooms, reception areas, and exam rooms. We are doing this to provide reassurance to patients as we continue to provide primary care services to our community.
- For patients needing to be seen for routine or follow-up care, appointments will continue to be made with your primary care provider.
- Patients seeking same-day for other illnesses or injury will be seen at Convenient Care, as normal.
- All patients of Sparta Community Hospital outpatient services, Quality Healthcare Clinics, emergency department, Convenient Care, and The Center, will be screened upon registration.