The purpose of the auxiliary is to promote and to advance the welfare of Sparta Community Hospital. This purpose shall be accomplished by interpretation of the hospital to the public, through services to the hospital and its patients and through fund-raising in a manner satisfactory to the hospital governing board.
Active members will pay dues of $3.00 per year or a lifetime membership of $30.00. Dues should be paid as soon as joining the auxiliary and in January every year after that.
Any person, accepted into, or currently enrolled in a medical-related health care professional curriculum is eligible. Recipient will receive a gift in the amount of $500.00 to pay for a medical-related health care professional curriculum at a recognized school.
Upon graduation, priority for employment at Sparta Community Hospital will be given to all recipients of The Helen McKelvey Guardian Angel Scholarship.
Meetings are held the 4th Thursday of each month at the SCH Auxiliary Room A located at Broadway Plaza in Sparta. Fundraising is through Annual Tree of Hope Campaign, Luncheons, Bake Sales, Raffles, Donations, etc. Greeters are needed during the morning hours Monday-Friday in the Hospital Lobby, and for working in the Caring Touch Gift Shop.
If you are interested in joining the Auxiliary, please you are welcome to attend the next meeting, or contact Kathy McConachie at 618-521-5320.