Support Health & Wellness!
The Health & Wellness Foundation has been created to ensure that high quality healthcare remains available close to home, and focuses on providing community health and educational programs as well as providing financial support to Sparta Community Hospital District.
Visit us on Facebook to learn more about our organization and the type of support we provide!
If you have questions or would like to inquire about how to support The Health & Wellness Foundation please contact Executive Director, Rev. Don Jones, by calling (618) 314-6811.
The Health and Wellness Foundation assists Sparta Community Hospital to educate the community by providing wellness programs, make facility expansions, provide new services and to purchase new equipment. Our goal is to expand the knowledge to our patient care area of the availability and appropriate use of our healthcare services.
With a history spanning over 75 years, Sparta Community Hospital has been caring for generations of families. Your generous support can help ensure that the healthcare you need remains close to home for years to come.
Together, we can continue to renew your hospital and the future of healthcare in our community.
Each year The Health & Wellness Foundation supports the Health Career Exploration Program. Through this program, students experience and learn “hands-on” all the many opportunities in the healthcare field alongside the hospital’s healthcare professionals. The program also helps students to decide if a healthcare career is the right fit for them.
“Our SCH is team is pleased to introduce students to professional career options available locally and to help guide them on a career development path, which in turn could benefit the local area healthcare system”, states Joann Emge, CEO. “We are excited to assist the youth in identifying their goals and mentoring them in career opportunities.”
Rev. Don Jones, Executive Director
(618) 314-6811