Hilary Bergkoetter-Dressler, IT Network Systems Administrator was awarded Sparta Community Hospital’s Extra Mile Award for the Fourth Quarter of FY21.
Bergkoetter-Dressler was nominated by Susan Gutjahr, Health Information Technology Director for contributing the work of the team and providing professional services contributing to quality healthcare.
“The work that goes on in IT for many of us is just magic-an expectation so that the work we do as a whole happens seamlessly,” stages Gutjahr. “But what happens in IT is anything but magic, and truly takes a skilled technician.”
Gutjahr nominated Bergkoetter-Dressler to recognize the leadership role she’s taken on in the absence of a formal manager, and for all of the countless hours on nights and weekends she’s worked to “keep the magic alive.”
The Extra Mile Award at Sparta Community Hospital is part of the new recognition program initiated by the hospital’s Workplace of Choice Team.